Karate – An empty-hand fighting art originating in Okinawa, karate includes a mix of strikes, kicks, throws, and locks. We train in the Shuri-ryu style, an eclectic system assembled by Grand Master Robert A. Trias, a pioneer in bringing karate to the United States. Karate is the core of our instruction, and training in karate improves focus and fitness, promotes self discipline, and elevates self confidence.
Kobudo – The “ancient martial way” of Okinawa, this weapon-based art is complementary to karate. Okinawan kobudo weapons include the bo (staff), sai (truncheon), nunchakun (flail), kama (sickle), tonfa (nightstick), and eiku (oar). Kobudo training improves coordination and manual dexterity, some of its movements can be translated to modern tools and weapons, and it’s a lot of fun!

Judo – A Japanese art which includes throws, sweeps, pins, joint locks, and chokes. Judo has been a part of the Summer Olympics since 1964, and it was even studied by Teddy Roosevelt back in 1904! While we do not have a formal judo class/program, judo is incorporated into the Shuri-ryu curriculum and our emphasis is on where these movements can be used in karate and self defense. Basic judo instruction such as break falls (falling without injury) is included in all of our classes, and yellow belts and higher begin learning throws, sweeps, and the grappling/locking/choking techniques.
Jodo – Shinto Muso-ryu Jodo is a Japanese stick-fighting art with an emphasis on countering the sword. Jodo stresses good form and body mechanics, which reinforces our karate training and encourages practitioners to sharpen their mind and be in the moment. Participation is limited to adult and mature teen students.
The Shuri-ryu Dojo Kun
A dojo is a school, and the dojo kun is the school’s creed or pledge. The Shuri-ryu Dojo Kun is as follows:
I shall conduct myself in a manner which will reflect credit upon myself and society.
I shall be loyal to my school and to the art it teaches.
I shall be honest and exercise integrity with the purpose of developing cooperation and trust with my fellow karateka and my teachers.
I shall exercise restraint in the use of my karate knowledge, employing it only in a fair competition and in defense of my life, my family, and my country.